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We Are Creepy!
"We Are Golden" single
Released: September 6th, 2009
I'm not sure what is more of a mess: the song or the music video that accompanies it. The two are pretty despicable. First of all, let me make it clear that I typically adore musicians that aren't afraid to be flambo
yant and over-the-top. And I didn't think Mika would be an exception to that rule... however he has gone so ridiculous it's absolutely cringe-inducing. "We Are Golden" assaults the listener with Mika's schizo falsetto and shrieks, a screaming children's choir, a creepy spoken word bridge to the chorus, and cheesy lyrics full of self-empowerment and teenage triumph. And that's just the song. I can't ignore the alarming music video. The video is set in a children's bedroom chock full of teddy bears, toys and colorful masks/props... OH, and Mika dancing in his underwear. I'm sorry, but it just freaks me out when a scantily-clad grown man is prancing about in his boxers in a child's room. No matter how innocent the intent of this video may have been, it's just down right disturbing.Watch music video
wow i had missed this review (and song and vid) and just watched them and i couldn't agree more. it's too bad too, 'cause the hook has potential, but the shrieking is awful and the boxers in the kids room, the vagina-like tube he is crawling into and the laser beams coming out of his crotch leave saying "wtf?" and *not* in a good way....